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Importing Your Files into Programs

Carbonite’s priority is the backup and restore of your personal files. Performing a restore with Carbonite Safe and Carbonite Safe Pro backups will not restore your operating system or programs.

Additionally, it may be necessary to perform additional steps with the restored data before the data is accessible within the program. If you prefer to perform the steps, you can access the instructions for restoring and importing the data into each of the programs listed below.

Our support staff is fully engaged to provide the best service we possibly can for all your Carbonite-related needs. Restoring the operating system or programs are outside of our expertise and thus our technicians are not able to perform them on your behalf. If you need help importing your restored data, moving restored data to a different location, or optimizing how your computer functions, you can contact local technician for assistance.

Program Carbonite Instructions
Address Book Restoring Data to Apple Address Book
Calendar Restoring Data to Apple Calendar with iCloud Installed
Restoring Data to Apple Calendar without iCloud Installed
Firefox Restoring Data to Mozilla Firefox
iTunes Restoring Data to iTunes
Mail Restoring Data to Apple Mail
Outlook Restoring Data to Microsoft Outlook 2016
Photos Restoring Data to Apple Photos
Safari Restoring Data to Safari
